Monday, August 14, 2006
Don't be ALARMED! The purpose of this Blog is not to
try and sell you Laundry Detergent.
This is just a photo of me when I was a distributor with the
Fuller Brush company several years ago. I was a distributor
with them for a little while. My son Twanzell Jr. and I use to
deliver flyers in our neighborhood mailboxes to find out who
would be interested in ordering products.
I was and still am very passionate about working
from home part time to generate a full time income.
I knew it could be done because I know peers who are
doing it! The photo that you see now was a photo that I
was going to use to make posters, signs and bill boards
for Advertising. As you can see from the Photo I take what
I do very seriously and I was about to launch a Full Fledge
Campaign to build my Home Based Business Empire with
the Fuller Brush Company. The Fuller Brush company
was one of the companies that I embarked upon as I was
searching for the right vehicle to use on my journey towards
Financial FREEDOM!
However, this is not what I do any more. It was only
one of my starting points along the path of my search...