Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Getting the Most Out of Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a powerful tool in driving highly targeted
traffic to your PIF4P websites. The conversion rate can be as
high as 50% on this kind of internet prospect. Here are some
tips to help you with your campaigns.

1. Create a list with all possible keywords that fit both business

opportunity seekers and network marketers. The more the
better. Use Overture's key word tool to generate as many
possible variations as possible.
2. Benefit from misspelling in order to find keywords which

your competitors did not think of.
3. The first position on goggles search result page usually

achieves the most clicks. However this is also the most
expensive position. Give it a try if the second to fourth
display position gives you more visitors and more customers

for less money.
4. The position of the AdWords-ad is determined not only by

the maximum click price that you are ready to spend but also
the relevancy of the displayed ad. The more clicks your ad
receives, the higher it gets listed.
5. The headline in your ad must catch the viewers attention.

Make sure you place one of your keywords in the headline,
you'll receive considerably more clicks onto your ad.
6. In the ad text mention one or two reasons, why the prospect

should click on it. Create a compelling reason for them to take
7. Google AdWords offers keyword options which you should

review. For example, if properly set up you can make sure that
your AdWords ad appears only if your prospect has typed in the
exact phrase you have listed.
8. Use "excluding keywords". Those are keywords for which your

ad is supposed not to appear. In this way you don't have to pay
for clicks for tire-kickers or look-e-loos.
9. Construct for every keyword and for everyone of your AdWords

ads an own landing-page. There you can offer especially that which
the internet-user searched for.
10. Think about including a price in your ad, like "only $10". This

better qualifies your audience and excludes up front the free- and
all-free-searcher from clicking your ad.These tips can help to
increase your Adwords profits. All you have to do is to take action.

Friday, August 25, 2006

How Can A Funded Proposal Help
My Network Marketing Business?

Copyright © Paul M. Birdsall

In todays market place we simply do not have time to CHASE prospects.
Network Marketing Professionals understand that they are looking for
people that are looking for them! As Jim Rohn says, to be successful in
sales or recruiting you must "Talk to lots of people EVERY DAY. "The
KEYWORDS BEING...EVERYDAY! The problem with this concept? Quality
lead generation can be VERY EXPENSIVE. If you expect to create an endless
flow of qualified prospects, you will have to spend money. Period. There is
simply no way around it!

However there IS a way to recapture or break even on (and sometimes
even profit from) the advertising dollars you must spend. It is called "A
Funded Proposal". I actually started using this concept by total accident
back in 2002 selling one of my books through the mail. See, many of the
people who bought my books would actually start calling me and want to
work with me on anything I was doing so I started to introduce these people
to my network marketing businesses and BANG my business took off like a
rocket! I went from enrolling 2-3 people a week to 60-70 a week using this

Then I discovered many of the top MLM Professionals simply find a way to
recoup all or some of their advertising investment on the back end or their
lead generation programs. Now I have enhanced my "funded proposal" so
it's not only the most powerful marketing system on the Internet for network
marketers, but I've designed it so anyone can use it too no matter which company
they want to promote. It's 100% Generic and proven to be effective for anyone!
Here's how it works.....

1. First, you never advertise anything that is not built to feed you with
IMMEDIATE CASH in return. This means "never" send people to your
network marketing websites or mention your primary network marketing
company and products!
2. What you advertise is information and "how-to" and you send them to your
PIF4P's website (It's free), that is going to do all the explaining and selling for
3. You are still retailing items locally that your company is selling. You're still
doing or participating in local company MLM meetings. You DO NOT replace
your traditional MLM activities with this. You use the classic funded proposal
as an addition to your campaign and as the only intelligent way to enter and
remain active in the cold market.
4. It's best to make your initial efforts in the cold market with a price people can't
refuse. Like, the one I found and suggest at Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits. It's low-priced
and value- packed and makes sure your prospect is serious about network marketing.
A good price is a hard offer to say "no" to.
5. Inside your low ticket item ($10) is your "mother load" for $70 - $120 dollars.
DO NOT try to make money on the initial "front-end." 95% of your profits will and
should come from high-ticket back-end items that offer true value to everyone
serious about building a business online. In the "upgrade" sale you will provide
them with a great solution to there number one problem.You can access this at
my Pay-It-Forward 4 Profits website below. Most networkers rarely have enough
leads, they rarely get any real professional support, and without enrolling people
virtually all the time, they tend to get depressed and they start to second guess
your MLM program. However, show them an easy way to make cash and generate
a flow of it, and how easy it would be for them to use, and you re-light their FIRE.
HOW TO GET STARTED using your own "up-front" cash generating MLM Funded
Proposal. Go to my site and sign-up for free...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006


The main problem that a lot of capable and efficient
Networkers face that are building their current
Network Marketing Business is this...

They themselves are awesome recruiters and know
how to enroll many members. But a large amount of
the new members that they enroll don't have the same
level of skills that they and a small percentage of their
team leaders have to recruit. Thus, not all of your new
members will be able to easily be a Copy Cat to create
and maintain duplication which is so critical for a Network
Marketing Business to thrive. Ultimately, only a few
members are the stars and do the bulk of the enrolling in a
lot of Networker's Organizations.

What if there was a unique "SYSTEM" that could eliminate
this problem and would enable each new member you
personally enrolled in your Network Marketing Business
no matter what it is, to not require Master Recruiter skills ?

Good News... Such a SYSTEM exists and it is a REVIVAL in
the Network Marketing Industry!

Now DUPLICATION is not hard to maintain any more.

Your Team members that you will enroll do not require
excellent recruiting or speaking skills. All they have to do
is follow this simple and proven system that you will be
following. They just need to have the Copy Cat Skills
of a 4 year old child and that's it!

This is the COPY CAT SYSTEM that I am referring to.

Friday, August 18, 2006


In life whenever you purchase a PRODUCT or a SERVICE
you are making some company somewhere more PROFITABLE.
No matter if it's a tube of toothpaste which is a CONSUMABLE
PRODUCT that people use over and over again for the rest of their
life, or a telephone service provider like TALK AMERICA or SBC.

So the way that I look at it is like this... WHY NOT hook up with

an established reputable company that has a GREAT PRODUCT
or SERVICE that channels the money back to the individual
distributors/associates who have teamed up with them. Every
individual will determine their own income based upon their
own efforts of work they themselves put into the Business.This
provides a level playing field for everyone involved. When your
income increases or decreases it is because of you the individual
and not the boss that's over you because you will Be Your Own

After all of my YEARS of Searching
THIS has turned out to be one
ever seen by far Without Question...

Anyone can do this business.

I can even show you how to build it easily with
this SYSTEM...

Twanzell Williams
Wealth Creation Consultant
Phone: 586-532-1106 or 586-947-1906


Always remember that...



Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why I Refused to Give Up and Not Quit!

It is kind of funny because as I started my
search for the right vehicle to use to start
creating Financial Freedom for me and my
family there were many obstacles that I had
to hurdle. It got rough and tough.

I am one of those so called unique and resilient
individuals. I had refused to stop searching until
I found that vehicle that would be fit to allow me
to start driving down Financial FREEDOM Rd.

Here's a piece to the vehicle I found
right here.
It's a tiny piece too but it can get you quite
financially far when you drive it right.

Failure was not going to be an option for me.

I said to myself always "I will succeed!"

When I look around in such a vast world of opportunity
where so many are accomplishing their dreams, I
get so full of joy. It lets me know that I as a human
being possess the same capacity to fulfill my dreams


I teach my four children this and have them repeat it
to me. It goes like this...

* The earth is HUGE and therefore full of opportunity.
I will seize any opportunities that I encounter.
I LOVE myself and I will LOVE others.
I am great and I will do great things.

This does wonders for the human spirit.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Hi there. Yep, that's me!

Don't be ALARMED! The purpose of this Blog is not to
try and sell you Laundry Detergent.

This is just a photo of me when I was a distributor with the
Fuller Brush company several years ago. I was a distributor
with them for a little while. My son Twanzell Jr. and I use to
deliver flyers in our neighborhood mailboxes to find out who
would be interested in ordering products.

I was and still am very passionate about working
from home part time to generate a full time income.
I knew it could be done because I know peers who are
doing it! The photo that you see now was a photo that I
was going to use to make posters, signs and bill boards
for Advertising. As you can see from the Photo I take what
I do very seriously and I was about to launch a Full Fledge
Campaign to build my Home Based Business Empire with
the Fuller Brush Company. The Fuller Brush company
was one of the companies that I embarked upon as I was
searching for the right vehicle to use on my journey towards
Financial FREEDOM!

However, this is not what I do any more. It was only
one of my starting points along the path of my search...

Copyright © Twanzell Williams

This SYSTEM literally changed my LIFE!


About the Author and his agenda:
*To find the best Home Based Business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home.

*To help and direct those who currently have a
Home Based Business but are struggling to grow it.

This Unique SYSTEM provides the Solution to both
of these things:

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