Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Why I Refused to Give Up and Not Quit!

It is kind of funny because as I started my
search for the right vehicle to use to start
creating Financial Freedom for me and my
family there were many obstacles that I had
to hurdle. It got rough and tough.

I am one of those so called unique and resilient
individuals. I had refused to stop searching until
I found that vehicle that would be fit to allow me
to start driving down Financial FREEDOM Rd.

Here's a piece to the vehicle I found
right here.
It's a tiny piece too but it can get you quite
financially far when you drive it right.

Failure was not going to be an option for me.

I said to myself always "I will succeed!"

When I look around in such a vast world of opportunity
where so many are accomplishing their dreams, I
get so full of joy. It lets me know that I as a human
being possess the same capacity to fulfill my dreams


I teach my four children this and have them repeat it
to me. It goes like this...

* The earth is HUGE and therefore full of opportunity.
I will seize any opportunities that I encounter.
I LOVE myself and I will LOVE others.
I am great and I will do great things.

This does wonders for the human spirit.

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