Saturday, September 16, 2006

Don't be scrambled like an EGG!

Once you find the right Business and System that
you are looking for in the Home Based Business/
Network Marketing Industry it would be a wise
decision to consolidate yourself which is what I did.

This means to stop all other websites you use,

stop all other product usage from other companies
that's not from your Primary Business that you were
once involved in. And don't promote anything at
all unless it is going to help toward building your
Primary Home Business.

If you do this you will succeed. If you don't you
will be scrambled all over the place like an

egg. It's called "Networker Syndrome" and it
will cause you to not be effective because you
have got too much going on!

A lot of Network Marketers have been involved
with many businesses and programs over time
because they were honestly searching for the
right vehicle to use to fullfil their dreams.

And once they found the right vehicle they say
"OK, for me to get the full benefit out of this great
opportunity that I know I want to build for sure I
need to consolidate and focus all of my energies on
this one thing."

This makes sense and will definitely allow you to
not be scrambled like an egg all over the place
causing you not to be effective because you have
too much going on at one time.

Once you find that one right Business, cut ties
with any other things, programs and junk
opportunities that are of no use to you. This
way you will get into cashflow quicker with the
right Business that you have just found for yourself.

To get in cashflow as quick as possible and
gradually build your Primary Business to be
huge in time! All you need to do it with is
the PIF4P System. Nothing more Nothing less!

Within a few month your expenses to run your home
business should be zero with at least having over
$1,000 of income coming in to you. This is not hard
to do with the
PIF4P System.

The reason I know this is because I have done it
and am doing it!

If you do this it will put you in full blast to build your

Primary Home Based Business to be able to pass on
to generations of your family.

Be Blessed now. I'm Twanzell Williams and I am here
to help.

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