Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Over the years as we observe and watch the shift taking
place in Corporate America with downsizing it is nothing
new to realize that their bottom line remains the same.
The primary thing that Corporate is concerned about is
still and always will be profits.
They do not care if it takes eliminating the jobs of a faithful
employee that has been working and serving the company
for 15, 20 or 25 years.They simply want to make profits and
more profits.How much do they really care about employees
then ?
Well most corporations have taken away the pensions that
employees used to get. The employee is on his own now to
fend for himself completely.That's why a lot of people are
starting to open up their eyes and see the light at the end
of the tunnel and realize that Network Marketing can be
an attractive vehicle after all.
Why not get in that vehicle and drive it ? It's a wonderful ride
when you get with a system and product that knows how to
make it run well.