Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I bet you have probably seen a lot of SEO programs lately that make all sorts of
claims. Some will get you the#1 spot on Google, or others will "magically" drivelaser-
targeted traffic to your site. Let me be the first (OK maybe not the first) to tell you
that there is no "magic button" and there never will be. If you've bought into the
claims of the SEO magicians,you've probably learned that many of the so-called
systems are short-lived, and worse--some of them will get your site outright banned
from the search engines unfortunately.

Please don't get me wrong, there are a lot of helpful tools which can be an important
part of your SEO strategy. The tricky part is not wasting your time and money on the
ones that don't work or will get your site dropped. One of the most helpful types of
programs are content generators. If you've been around the net awhile, you know that
"content is king". Why is content the king? Because its what gets visitors to your site
through the search engines, and its what keeps them coming back.

With a healthy flow of content-driven traffic you can build up a network of sites pulling
in awesome streams of revenue, product sales, or affiliate commissions. The problem
is where do you get good content? And how doyou find the time to add it all to your site.
There's a new tool I've found called The Article System, and it works better than any
other article program I've tried. It'salso search-engine friendly, so you don't need to
worry about your site being dropped! It takes the task of finding and adding content
to your site and automates the whole process. This system works,but here's a piece of
personal advice: - Don't go crazy and add 1000's of new pages to your site all at once.
That's a good way to tell the search engines you're using an automated system. Instead,
add the pages in small chunks like 25-50 each week so it looks like you're regularly
adding fresh content to your site. When you add real content for your visitors to read
(not a bunch of garbled keyword "search engine food").

Despite what you may have heard, this business is not yet saturated with too many
marketers, and there are plenty of opportunities to grab some of the millions of niche
keywords that will make people rich in the next few years. Think about many
of your friends and family members are internet marketers? I'd have to say none of mine.
When you're always on the internet it feels like everyone in the world is trying to make
money on the net, but really we're a smaller community than you may think. A handful
of you will be the next internet marketing superstars.

The ones who become wealthy at the end of the day will be those who take this game

seriously and relentlessly pursue targeted traffic. Well that's all for now, and I hope
you find this small piece of advice helpful.

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