Friday, November 10, 2006

You Gotta Avoid The Forty Times Three !

I am very sure that the majority of us have heard this
before especially if we are veterans in MLM/ Network
Marketing.The question is though, Is there any merit to
this bold suggestion? Corporate Americans would more
than likely ask us Networkers "What in the heck do you
mean by suggesting to us to avoid the Forty Times Three?"

They want to know what is its meaning so that they could then
evaluate if it is something they should indeed avoid. As we
Networkers already know the "Forty Times Three" is the Anti-Wealth
Plan. It is the common mistake a lot of Corporate past employees
discovered of working for 40 hours a week for 40 years and
then retiring onjust 40% of there pay. Is there any merit to this
they want to know, It sure is!

There are constant analys is done all year round on this true fact that
this is what has happened and is constantly happening to past Corporate
workers.Why would someone not take action to insure that this will not
come down their financial street when they see this catastrophic truth
looking them right in the face based upon real statistics?

I have no idea...

I am Twanzell Williams and I want to help.

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