Friday, December 22, 2006

Turning Off The Fat Genes!

Another one in four people cannot taste PROP and are called "taste blind."
Their problem is they may tend to overeat, making up in quantity what they
are missing in taste. If this includes you, and you tend to be indiscriminate
in what you're eating, you'll want to take care to emphasize fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, and beans, and to be very cautious about fatty foods and their
hidden calories.* A gene on chromosome 7 makes leptin, the appetite-taming
hormone. In 1997, English researchers reported the case of two cousins who
became extremely obese very early in life. They demanded food continuously
and ate much more than their siblings. At age 8, one weighed 189 pounds. She
had so much trouble walking she had to have liposuction of her legs. Her cousin
was only two years old but already weighed 64 pounds. It turned out they shared
a rare mutation blocking the leptin gene.

With no leptin to curb hunger, their appetites were voracious.You are not likely
to have this same gene abnormality. However, your leptin may not be working
perfectly either. Very-low-calorie diets disrupt its appetite-taming effect, causing
your appetite to run out of control. The key to keeping leptin working right is to
avoid severe calorie restrictions. If you eat at least 10 calories per day per pound
of your ideal weight, you are unlikely to run into serious problems.* A gene on
chromosome 8 builds LPL, the key enzyme that stores fat in your cells. It waits
along the walls of the tiny blood vessels that course through your body fat, and
its job is to extract fat from your bloodstream and pass it into your fat cells for

If your LPL is doing its job a little too well, you can change this genetic tendency
by choosing foods that have little or no fat in them. Once again, vegetables, fruits,
legumes, and whole grains are your best friends.* The hormone insulin, coded on
chromosome 11, is part of your body's system for increasing your metabolism after
meals. Depending on the type of foods you choose, you can help insulin spark a
pronounced after-meal burn that releases calories as body heat rather than storing
them as fat. Low-fat, vegan diets, along with regular exercise, make insulin more efficient.

* Believe it or not, exercise aptitude is largely biological, too. People who love to go
for a five-mile run at the crack of dawn are genetically different from other people.
They are endowed with a better capillary network that brings oxygen to working muscles
and a more efficient fuel-burning mechanism. If you did not get these genetic advantages,
you can do the next best thing. If you begin a regular exercise program and stick with it,
your muscle cells begin to look more and more like those of natural athletes.There is no
need to be daunted by your family heritage. Yes, some of us will always be bigger and
others smaller. But with a healthy, low-fat diet and regular physical activity, your genes
can stop working against you and start working for you.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Really, What Are You Waiting For ?

Tell me honestly, are you Putting off Your Dreams? Or have things slowed down
recently? Is your life visibly changing the way you want it to? Or are you still
stuck with the same problems? I woke up today thinking about three people who
contacted me this week concerning the progress they were making reaching their
goals. They each said the same thing in a different way. Although they all made good
progress in the beginning, they are now all stalled. It's very frustrating for me because
I got myself caught up in their dreams. I imagined how their lives would be when they've
completed the changes they needed to make.

I can easily see the benefits they will gain such as a much larger income, more satisfying
relationships and the pride of knowing that they are doing exactly what they always wanted
to do – and earning a great living from it.It's also frustrating for another reason. Although I
can see the finish line, they are standing still. The frustrating part of all this is they have all
the tools necessary to succeed, but now they are stuck. So why have they stopped? I can't
say I know the answer for each of them.

I'm sure there are many reasons. But I suspect there is one cause in every case. They have
come to the point where they have done everything they could comfortably do and now
they have arrived at a place where they've never been before. Any new step forward,
represents a step out of their comfort zone. If you want to improve the results in your life,
you have to accept the fact that you can no longer do the same old things the same old way.
Making a commitment to change your life is a big step. It usually occurs when something
has happened to make you realize that you are unhappy with some aspect of your life. Often
this event or circumstance will jolt you into deciding that the time has finally come to change
your current situation. The charge that you get from deciding to change your situation will
keep you going through the early stages of your transformation. For example, it can energize
and motivate you to read a book, take a course, and even go through all the details of setting
up a business.

All those preparatory activities are necessary and good – but they amount to nothing unless
you are able to get your dream started. And getting your dream started -- actually kicking
your dream into action -- is new territory. New means strange. And strange means uncomfortable.
Having been involved with a number of very effective training programs over the years, I've
been disappointed by how many bright and ambitious students fail to finish their training. And
of those who finish, less than ten percent turn their hard-earned skills into substantial or measurable
results.Then weeks or months later they look at the courses or programs they have taken and
wonder, as I'm doing about these three people now: "What happened?" If you feel that you were
off to a good start but are currently stalled, you need to admit to yourself that you have probably
slipped back into your comfort zone. More than likely you have been deceiving yourself that you
are making progress, but at the same time you are really not getting anywhere.

What you need to do is take action. Even if it is a very small action. Nothing you can tell yourself,
nothing you can say to others, nothing you can think or feel or imagine is going to get you out of
the mental bog you're mired in. The only thing that can rescue you is – to take that next step.Maybe
you know what that is. If you know exactly what it is, DO IT! If you don't know, or aren't sure, allow
you intuition to guide you. Do whatever you feel compelled to do, but do it NOW to get yourself
going again -- even if it means entering your discomfort zone. I said earlier, I am disappointed by
how many people start to change their lives and then stall. Many of these people are good at the
initial study phase, but lose pace when it comes time to make those next steps, transitioning from
knowledge to action.

On the other hand, I'm thinking now about many people who have succeeded . . . about the
hundreds of unsolicited letters I receive from people who have taken my “Secret of Deliberate
Creation” program and are now living the lives they dreamed about. All they did was just FOLLOW
THROUGH until they got results. They just applied simple steps outlined in the program and the
changes were almost magical.What is your dream? To become a freelance artist / writer / consultant?
To own your own business? To become financially independent . . . perhaps even wealthy? Don't put
off the success you've always dreamed about.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Your Business Starts With Your Passion

In whatever career you may find yourself in, there is no such thing as "information
overload." Know as much as you can, do what others do, and what the entire company
does. Equip yourself with a total knowledge of your work environment, enough to make
you feel like you own the network. Who knows, you may someday.Walking an extra mile,
being organized at work, honesty, trust-worthiness, dependability, being a team player,
loyalty, and resourcefulness are the must-be characteristics of your passion.

Are you the type of worker who is always looking forward to Monday morning? Or you
are the type of worker who’s pleading and hoping that it will always be Friday the other
day? There are workers who are called TGIF workers? What is TGIF? TGIF stands for
Thank God It’s Friday. TGIF workers can’t wait for their minimum of 8 hours a day to
finish. If you classify yourself as a TGIF worker, then you are certainly lacking something
or missing something important in your career life – passion.What does it take to be
passionate in your job? There is always that old maxim “Do what you love the most.”

A passionate worker always has the appetite to go to work every day. He or she doesn’t
mind if it's Monday or Friday. He or she treats everyday as an important day in his or
her career life. What do you think is the result of being a passionate in your career life?
When you are passionate in your job, you enjoy it and even seek for more. There is
always the idea in your mind that you can always do better than that. You are not
satisfied to mediocre work. And it pays to be a passionate worker not because you
will be accelerated into higher position nor you will be given extra compensation,
but because you can get things done in your work with a sense of appreciation.In
your work as an entrepreneur at home, you got to have extra passion.

Why do you need it? You might be asking. Take this for an instance; are you able to
sit a little longer whenever a meeting comes? Can you stay a little longer if you’re
transacting some business matters to a customer that asks too many questions? In
short, can you be patient enough but maintaining the passion in you? You can be
energetic enough in your work but it demands greater than that. Still, you need
passion in your work.So, what separates a passionate worker to a worker that only
minds work?People who practice passion in their work always perform their work at
their best. They always strive for perfection in everything. They see perfection as
unattainable in most things. But their eagerness drive them much nearer to it than
those whose laziness and despondency make them give it up as an imperfection.

Passionate workers put extra care in their work and they aren’t satisfied with anything
less.At this point you might be asking either one or more of the following questions:

1. Do I need passion even though my work is just a home business?

2. To whom will I use passion?

3. What will passion do for me? What is its impact in my performance?

4. How will I know my passion?

The last question on the list is very interesting. In one way or the other, passion
creates a difference in terms of performance between a passionate worker and
the other. What do you like the most? What are your interests? What type of job
do you enjoy the most? The answers to these questions vary depending on the
personality of a worker. But whatever will it be, if you can answer the questions
then that will be your checklist on how you may know your passion. Each worker
has different passion. One’s passion is not the same with the other.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

* Middle of the Week Inspiration *

Throughout all of human history, people who once were nobodies, through personal
development became winners. If you have ever considered yourself someone who has
not accomplished much... just add one word... YET! Then count yourself amongst good
company. Colonel Sanders was retired and on social security when he turned his
chicken recipe into KFC. Grandma Moses was in her eighties when she began painting.
Numerous people in their seventies have chosen to climb Mount Everest.

When you look within the ranks of a company like Success University, Johnny Wimbrey
started out homeless and on the street selling drugs. Ned Rae was stuck in a career with
little reward. Another guy was 32, broke and living in a tent. Matt Morris even lived at
one point, in his car.What helped these people to significantly alter their circumstances?
Personal Development.

They wanted more, and could see many examples of those who had started as nobodies and
became winners. Isn't it your turn? With 2007 on the horizon, and fast approaching, isn't
it time for you to find some passion, develop some new skills and get moving? Matt and the
Success University team are looking for new leaders to emerge. Will one of them be you? I
sure hope so, so thatI can shake your hand and congratulate you for your achievement.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Knowing Who Your Master Is

Every individual holds the key to the God-given ability to consciously decide
whether to master a situation or to be mastered by it. Every individual also
has the ability to decide how long he or she chooses to master, or be mastered
bya situation. As I observe self development trainings and seminars throughout
the nation, it amazes me to find that only10 percent of most individuals' battles
are caused by the situation, and 90 percent are caused by the inability to move
on and simply let go.

It's hard to watch a person wrestle with a situation that would immediately disappear
if they would just simply let it go. It drives me crazy to see an individual be mastered
by a stupid situation.There are a lot of great people from whom I purposely distance
myself because they choose to be mastered by stupid situations. For example, could
a marriage come to an end because two loving individuals don't agree on how the toilet
paper should be installed? How could a person be known as a loving wife and mother
one moment and the next moment be booked for murder because of road rage?

Let's be real for a second! Toilet paper has never been the cause of any divorce, and
road rage can never be the excuse for any murder.The simple fact is good people
make stupid decisions when they choose to forfeit the right to master an obstacle or
an adversity and become mastered by it instead. It is said that you can always measure
the character of a man by the size of the obstacle it takes to overcome him. Good people
become murderers every day-and goodpeople are murdered every day-because of
individuals who simply are not in control of their immediate emotions.

Think about it: How many people do you think are dead or in prison either because
of their middle finger or someone else's middle finger? I don't know the answer, but isn't
it ridiculous to think that a middle finger could cause an individual's rage to escalate to
the point of deadly force? How hard would it be for most people to prepare or train
themselves never to allow someone else's physical gestures to control them?

What and/or who has the ability to cause you to lose control and step out of your
character? When you hear the words 'lose control,' it's probably a natural instinct
to think of Individuals who are not conscious of the fact that they are capable of losing
control will adopt the habit of losing control.And one who adopts the habit of losing
control creates a lifestyle of one who's out of control. On the other hand, control can be
regained. For example,have you ever experienced saying, 'I can't believe I just said that,'
or 'I apologize for snapping like that'?

These are examples of regaining control. Are you conscious of, and willing to recognize,
where you seem to be less in control? When and where do you master, and when and
where are you being mastered? I believe if you practice mastering the basics-orwhat some
would call the minor things in life-you areliterally positioning yourself to avoid potential
disaster. I was once told that you should manage your weaknesses and master your strengths.
I'm not saying that we will ever be successful at mastering all of our emotions and every
situation, but I am saying that every successful step forward is a step toward being the master
instead of being mastered.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

I Just Had to Share This with you.

Here is the Formula for Failure and Success (Excerpted from the book
The Five Major Pieces to the Life Puzzle By Mr. Jim Rohn)

Failure is not a single, cataclysmic event. We do not fail overnight. Failure is the
inevitable result of an accumulation of poor thinking and poor choices. To put it
more simply, failure is nothing more than a few errors in judgment repeated every

Now why would someone make an error in judgment and then be so foolish as to
repeat it every day? The answer is because he or she does not think that it matters.
On their own, our daily acts do not seem that important. A minor oversight, a poor
decision, or a wasted hour generally doesn't result in an instant and measurable
impact. More often than not, we escape from any immediate consequences of our

If we have not bothered to read a single book in the past ninety days, this lack of
discipline does not seem to have any immediate impact on our lives. And since
nothing drastic happened to us after the first ninety days, we repeat this error in
judgment for another ninety days, and on and on it goes. Why? Because it doesn't
seem to matter. And herein lies the great danger. Far worse than not reading the
books is not even realizing that it matters!Those who eat too many of the wrong
foods are contributing to a future health problem, but the joy of the moment
overshadows the consequence of the future. It does not seem to matter.

Those who smoke too much or drink too much go on making these poor choices
year after year after year... because it doesn't seem to matter.

But the pain and regret of these errors in judgment have only been delayed for a
future time. Consequences are seldom instant; instead, they accumulate until the
inevitable day of reckoning finally arrives and the price must be paid for our poor
choices - choices that didn't seem to matter.Failure's most dangerous attribute is
its subtlety. In the short term those little errors don't seem to make any difference.
We do not seem to be failing. In fact, sometimes these accumulated errors in
judgment occur throughout a period of great joy and prosperity in our lives.

Since nothing terrible happens to us, since there are no instant consequences to
capture our attention, we simply drift from one day to the next, repeating the
errors, thinking the wrong thoughts, listening to the wrong voices and making
the wrong choices. The sky did not fall in on us yesterday; therefore the act was
probably harmless.

Since it seemed to have no measurable consequence, it is probably safe to repeat.
But we must become better educated than that!If at the end of the day when we made
our first error in judgment the sky had fallen in on us, we undoubtedly would have
taken immediate steps to ensure that the act would never be repeated again.

Like the child who places his hand on a hot burner despite his parents' warnings, we
would have had an instantaneous experience accompanying our error in judgment.
Unfortunately, failure does not shout out its warnings as our parents once did. This
is why it is imperative to refine our philosophy in order to be able to make better
choices. With a powerful, personal philosophy guiding our every step, we become
more aware of our errors in judgment and more aware that each error really does
matter.Now here is the great news. Just like the formula for failure, the formula for
success is easy to follow: It's a few simple disciplines practiced every day.Now here
is an interesting question worth pondering: How can we change the errors in the
formula for failure into the disciplines required in the formula for success?

The answer is by making the future an important part of our current philosophy.
Both success and failure involve future consequences, namely the inevitable rewards
or unavoidable regrets resulting from past activities. If this is true, why don't more
people take time to ponder the future?

The answer is simple: They are so caught up in the current moment that it doesn't seem
to matter. The problems and the rewards of today are so absorbing to some human beings
that they never pause long enough to think about tomorrow.But what if we did develop a
new discipline to take just a few minutes every day to look a little further down the road?
We would then be able to foresee the impending consequences of our current conduct.

Armed with that valuable information, we would be able to take the necessary action to
change our errors into new success-oriented disciplines. In other words, by disciplining
ourselves to see the future in advance, we would be able to change our thinking, amend
our errors and develop new habits to replace the old.One of the exciting things about the
formula for success - a few simple disciplines practiced every day - is that the results are
almost immediate. As we voluntarily change daily errors into daily disciplines, we experience
positive results in a very short period of time. When we change our diet, our health improves
noticeably in just a few weeks.

When we start exercising, we feel a new vitality almost immediately. When we begin reading,
we experience a growing awareness and a new level of self-confidence. Whatever new discipline
we begin to practice daily will produce exciting results that will drive us to become even better
at developing new disciplines.The real magic of new disciplines is that they will cause us to amend
our thinking. If we were to start today to read the books, keep a journal, attend the classes, listen
more and observe more, then today would be the first day of a new life leading to a better future.

If we were to start today to try harder, and in every way make a conscious and consistent effort
to change subtle and deadly errors into constructive and rewarding disciplines, we would never
again settle for a life of existence – not once we have tasted the fruits of a life of substance!
© Jim Rohn 1991

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Here are 8 Tips To Keep Your Mental Health

I just had to share this information with you because I believe it will help.

Unfortunately the effects of mental illness on health, social life and productivity in
the United States and throughout the world has long been absolutely underestimated.
Studies in many different countries all over the world have shown that mental illness
is becoming one of the most often illnesses in our modern life.The study of health psychology
seeks to understand how our ability to cope with stress can help us to prevent illness and
promote health. Some of these coping mechanisms are naturally inborn but may be taught
to those who lack them. Motivation is one of the tools that researchers are trying to use as a
combatant of negative stress reactions.Motivation is something that we use every day.

It's what enables us to survive - to get food because we're hungry, to go to work to pay the bills
or to educate ourselves in order to pursue a higher goal in life.Some therapists suggest that by
using positive self-talk and trying to restructure the WAY we look at events can offset the physical
and mental effects of dealing with negative or stressful events in life.Interestingly, people who
tend to focus on themselves as the controller of their fate - in fact 'self-motivated' - are more likely
to feel a sense of control when stressors affect them. Instead of blaming something or someone
else they have the motivation to deal with a problem and look for a reasonable solution. This
positive behavior helps them to achieve goals and find personal contentment.

Therapists try to teach patients how to emulate this positive reaction to stress and use their
motivation as a source of empowerment. Learning to manage stress and using motivation to
set goals, work through a problem or fix it can in turn promote better mental and physical
health. Here are eight tips to assist in living a more stress free life.

1.Make sure determine, no matter what, to create time for self. For some people, maybe it's a
soothing bubble bath at the end of the day. For others, it could be a quick trip to the local gym.
The activity really doesn't matter as long as they take some time for themselves.

2. Listen to calm, soothing music on the way to work, while at work, and while going to sleep.
Music has a way of calming and soothing the mind body.

3. Practice deep abdominal breathing periodically throughout the day. Breath in deeply through
the nose pulling the belly button toward the spine, hold for a few seconds, and then slowly release.
People will be pleasantly surprised at how this simple technique can result in a more relaxed body
and mind. This can be done in any environment.

4. Take time to exercise. Exercise helps to increase self-esteem, decrease depression, increase
concentration and energy, and gives one a greater sense of control over stress. Hitting the local
gym is notalways necessary. Taking a 15-minute walk around the neighborhood, taking walks on
lunch breaks,taking the steps instead of an elevator, and parking farther away when shopping are
examples ofhow someone can squeeze in exercise during the day.

5. Remember to eat Healthy. There are foods that promote calmness and foods that increase
stress levels. People can ask themselves if they are eating too much sugar and caffeine, and if
they are getting enough protein. They can also evaluate if they are eating plenty of fresh fruits
and vegetables and staying away from refined and processed foods. Healthy eating is very
important for any human being. Taking a look at diets and making the necessary changes can
result in increased optimal health.

6. Call a friend. For anybody, it is always important in life to have at least one relationship where
they can just vent and know that a listening ear and unconditional acceptance will be given.

7. Practice Thinking Calmly. Everyone has a favorite place that is peaceful, soothing, and calm.
When stress levels increase, people can take a mental break and visualize that special place. They
can take note of the sights, sounds, and smells. It is important to continue to do this until relaxation
is felt. People will notice that the stress they are experiencing will be less and more manageable.

8. Always have a sense of humor. We all are familiar with the saying, "Laughter is the best medicine." This
is so true. Be willing to laugh at personal mistakes. Watch a funny movie. Share a joke with a friend.
In other words, lighten up. It will make such a difference.

Friday, December 01, 2006

on the 4 Powerful Secrets that Win People Over.

Having a conversation seems very natural to some people, but to others it is a struggle
every time. There is no need to feel frustrated or upset every time you are faced with a
situation where you must be involved with a conversation.Conversation is essential and
important to every day life. If you avoid conversation with others they may see you as
stuck up. Thinking you do not value what they have to say or think they are not worth
your time. You can gain a horrible social image if you avoid conversation.There are four
great tips that can help you to overcome whatever may be bothering you about conversation.

Tip#1 - How to answer rude or inappropriate questions.Some people are very bad at the art
of conversation and may say something off beat. They may ask an extremely personal question
or just make a comment that is not appropriate.To handle this situation you should politely
give a short answer or reply without drawing attention to the situation and then move on.
Change the subject or if the person just piped up with this, go back to the original conversation.

Tip#2 - What to do when you run out of things to talk about.If you are constantly watching
others and paying attention to what they are talking about you shouldn?t run out of things to
say. If you do find the conversation running out then try to find something common to talk
about.This will bring everyone back into the conversation and allow it to pick up again. Some
good conversation topics are current events or something about the place you are at.

Tip#3 - How to kick up a conversation.Sometimes for lack of better things to talk about a
conversation can get boring. If people are not interested in what is being talked about they
will stop talking or leave. You do not want to end up with silence or awkward good byes. So if
you feel the conversation is dragging try to bring up something different than what you have
been talking about. This is a good time to state an interesting fact you know or to share a hobby.
Pet peeves are another good thing that will liven up the conversation.

Tip #4 - How to deal with a topic you know nothing about.Sometimes you will find that the
people you are having a conversation with bring up a topic you know nothing about. In this
case you have the opportunity to use your listening skills.You should take interest in learning
about this topic by asking questions. This shows you are interested in the other person and
you care about what they have to say.These tips cover four main situations that crop up in
conversation and cause anxiety. Knowing how to handle them can make you feel more at ease
with the idea of having a conversation and improve your overall communication skills.

I hope this information was helpful to you.

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