Wednesday, December 13, 2006

* Middle of the Week Inspiration *

Throughout all of human history, people who once were nobodies, through personal
development became winners. If you have ever considered yourself someone who has
not accomplished much... just add one word... YET! Then count yourself amongst good
company. Colonel Sanders was retired and on social security when he turned his
chicken recipe into KFC. Grandma Moses was in her eighties when she began painting.
Numerous people in their seventies have chosen to climb Mount Everest.

When you look within the ranks of a company like Success University, Johnny Wimbrey
started out homeless and on the street selling drugs. Ned Rae was stuck in a career with
little reward. Another guy was 32, broke and living in a tent. Matt Morris even lived at
one point, in his car.What helped these people to significantly alter their circumstances?
Personal Development.

They wanted more, and could see many examples of those who had started as nobodies and
became winners. Isn't it your turn? With 2007 on the horizon, and fast approaching, isn't
it time for you to find some passion, develop some new skills and get moving? Matt and the
Success University team are looking for new leaders to emerge. Will one of them be you? I
sure hope so, so thatI can shake your hand and congratulate you for your achievement.

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