Monday, January 15, 2007
When we talk about developing an attitude for networking we need to break it up
into a few different areas. First, you have a general attitude about life and work.
Secondly, you have an attitude about circumstances and thirdly, an attitude
about yourself and others, and finally, your attitude towards the process.
In every area, your attitude will be a significant factor in how successful you
become in your networking endeavors. Just as in all of life, your attitude
determines so much. If you have a bad attitude, it will affect how well you
work with others. It will affect how you perform. So it is imperative that you
consistently work on maintaining a positive attitude that will carry you on to
success - not only in developing your network, but more importantly, in
developing your life!
This is good sound advice that you want to not take lightly but definitely take
to heart. All of the top Network Marketers in the world understand this.
My name is Twanzell Williams and I am out here trying to help those who
want to be helped.