Friday, February 09, 2007
One of the world's most powerful motivational speakers kicked off the 2nd Anniversary
Leadership Conference last weekend in Dallas and hopefully you were there to feel the
thunder for yourself. Les Brings one of the most powerful messages about life change
and growing beyond your circumstances. This man, born on the floor of an abandoned
building in Liberty City, FL was then given up for adoption. Who, as a child, was labeled
educable mentally retarded. Who was told that he should not pursue ambitions much
above that of a garbage collector.
But Les had a dream! A dream to do more than he was offered. A dream to become more
than he was expected to. He dreamed of providing for his Mother in grand fashion, to free
her from her life as a housekeeper. To repay her for her love and devotion to him. For
encouraging him. And to have his dream, Les needed to become someone that no-one
thought he could. His quest led him to become a famous disc jockey, to host his own
national TV show. To get elected to the Ohio Legislation twice. To earn more money in
a day than all six of his brothers and sisters will earn in their lifetimes, combined.
So, do you have a dream inside you?
If so, it will probably require you to become someone you have never been. Fortunately
your involvement in Success University allows you to surround yourself with teachers,
authors, speakers and success stories. Most if not all of these folks wanted to do something
they had never done. In the process they were required to be someone they had never been.
If you were in Dallas this past weekend, you know firsthand of that which I am speaking.
Tremendous leaders, stories to inspire, visions of the future of the company to get excited
about - all on display to touch, feel and taste for those who chose to attend.
And if you were not there, that was your choice. And we will do our best to share with you
the picture of all that occurred. But by showing you the snapshot, you can never get the full
picture. By missing the event you will never get to taste the meal.
So commit to yourself that you will never miss a Leadership event again. There is lots of room
at the top of the company, but only you can decide to join the leaders there. I hope you choose
© Scott A. Dennison 2007