Thursday, November 30, 2006

Success is All About Asking
© Jeff Allen 2006

If you were ever in sales, Do you remember the first big sale you ever made, even
if it was simply getting someone to do a favor? For me it was a learning experience
I’ll never forget. In my first business venture, I started a small company selling feed
supplements to dairy farmers. At the time it seemed like a simple sale to make. Dairy
farmers wanted greater milk production from their cattle, and feed supplements were
a way to do it.

In my mind the combination was perfect and there wouldn’t need to be much “selling”
involved. Being young and optimistic, I had convinced myself all I had to do was tell
the dairy farmer that feed supplements would increase his herd’s milk production, and
he’d buy. Boy was I wrong. At the time I knew virtually nothing about nutrition, and
apparently less about selling. Fortunately I was quick to learn and slow to give up. Over
a short period of time I’d become quite knowledgeable in cattle nutrition. I was determined
to educate the farmers I’d been working with, thinking they’d eventually see the benefit of
feed supplements. But I still wasn’t making any sales. I finally realized I needed to find a way
to have longer conversations with the dairy farmers to get a better understanding of their

To do this, I decided to show up with ice cold sodas to share with the farmer and his employees.
It wasn’t long after I started this little process that my sales took off, but more importantly, I
learned that it is imperative to gain an understanding of what it is the buyer wants. Often we
find ourselves thinking sales is simply informing the buyer that our product will save them
money and/or make some area of their life better, which may be absolutely true, however, it
is often not what the buyer is most concerned about. In today’s highly competitive market
place it is imperative to know what your buyer wants. The hard part, however, is you need to
know your buyer before you can figure out what it is she or he wants. It doesn’t matter if
you’re in executive sales or an entrepreneur staking your claim in the small business world,
the principle is the same.

So how is it then that we come to know what the buyer wants? …through superior
communication.Every great sales person or entrepreneur needs to have the ability
to communicate very effectively. That may sound simple, but effective communication
is more than giving a solid, well outlined presentation. Communication is the ability to
exchange thoughts and feelings (more feelings than thoughts). Effective communication
in sales consists of two critical components.

1) You must have a great sales process; a framework you can use to gauge exactly where
the buyer is and what you need to do next to get him/her closer to buying.
2) You must absolutely know and trust yourself.

The thought of ‘knowing and trusting yourself’ may sound a little strange. You’re probably
thinking that you know yourself pretty well, but in actuality it is a little more complex than
you would think, but I’ll get into that here in a bit. Knowing and trusting yourself and having
a good sales process go hand in hand when it comes to being consistent and effective in sales.
With all the sales people I’ve coached, if they didn’t have both components they struggled to
perform consistently. Those who I trained to know and trust themselves but did not yet have
a sales process did far better than those who already had a good sales process but didn’t know
and trust themselves.

Those who didn’t know who they were at a very intimate level lacked the confidence to make an
effective presentation and/or were not able to understand the buyer’s needs.To elaborate more,
let me briefly go through a good sales process (or framework) that will help you know what it is
you need to be communicating as you go through each step of the process. The sales process is
a method to gain a better understanding of the buyer’s needs that begins at initial contact and
continues until money is exchanged. By having a good sales process, you are able to attract
more people, with easier buy in, and far less objections. Without a good sales process you will
find yourself working harder, rather than smarter. The first step to any sales processes is to
establish trust. Without the buyer’s trust, you’ll not be able to move very far in the sales process.
This is where you are setting appointments and gaining favorable attention. It truly takes tenacity,
but stay committed to setting appointments and keeping a daily log of potential contacts.The second
step I call ‘discovering the why’. At this stage you need to have a set of million dollar questions that
will get the buyer talking (and tell you why they want to buy).

The art of any sales process is to get a clear understanding of the why, because the buy is always in
the why.The third step is to present. Use the five D’s to present the right information with the right
conviction so the buyer really sees that you have the solution for his/her needs (Dart, Drama,
Details, Dream, Desire). The Fourth step is to come to an agreement. If you have done a great
job up to this point the buyer will have already told you they want to get started. However, if the
buyer has still not committed, then a strong close is needed. To make a strong close, be confident
and speak from the heart. While a sales process is important, it is just a framework. The real power
in a sales process comes from knowing who you are and trusting yourself. Each step of the sales
process will be directly affected by your personality and the personality of the buyer.

You can discover your personality at, and use the
access code: successu.When you know and trust yourself, you can effectively apply each step
of any sales process and turn it into a selling machine. There are many aspects of knowing
yourself that will help you in a sales process, for example; how do you establish your goals?
Is it through facts and figures, or is it through feelings and emotions? How do you stay clear
with your motivation? Does your motivation become clearer working as a group, or as an

Is your motivation best served leading the group, or promoting ideas for others to
implement? These types of factors will have an influence on how you setup and manage
your sales process.Another major aspect of knowing yourself is that you also gain a much
greater understanding of others. By going through a process of getting to know the real you,
you come to a greater understanding of different personalities and how to identify a person’s
buying habits. Once you know a person’s personality, you then know what their underlying
motivations are. For example, is the buyer one who needs to see facts and figures in writing,
or more concerned about what everyone else is doing in the market? Does the buyer like to
make quick decisions, or is she or he very patient and likes to ‘feel’ things out?

As you begin to see what type of personality the buyer is, you’ll be much more able to
effectively communicate to the buyer in a way she or he will best understand.If you want
to truly be effective in communicating your message to the buyer, you need to have a
solid framework to know precisely where the buyer is at in the sales process, but even
more important is you need to know yourself and trust yourself. As a final thought, those
who ask the most get the most, and those who ask the best get even more. When you know
yourself and trust yourself, it is easy to ask from anyone, and when you have a good sales
process, you’ll always know what to ask and when to ask it.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


I bet you have probably seen a lot of SEO programs lately that make all sorts of
claims. Some will get you the#1 spot on Google, or others will "magically" drivelaser-
targeted traffic to your site. Let me be the first (OK maybe not the first) to tell you
that there is no "magic button" and there never will be. If you've bought into the
claims of the SEO magicians,you've probably learned that many of the so-called
systems are short-lived, and worse--some of them will get your site outright banned
from the search engines unfortunately.

Please don't get me wrong, there are a lot of helpful tools which can be an important
part of your SEO strategy. The tricky part is not wasting your time and money on the
ones that don't work or will get your site dropped. One of the most helpful types of
programs are content generators. If you've been around the net awhile, you know that
"content is king". Why is content the king? Because its what gets visitors to your site
through the search engines, and its what keeps them coming back.

With a healthy flow of content-driven traffic you can build up a network of sites pulling
in awesome streams of revenue, product sales, or affiliate commissions. The problem
is where do you get good content? And how doyou find the time to add it all to your site.
There's a new tool I've found called The Article System, and it works better than any
other article program I've tried. It'salso search-engine friendly, so you don't need to
worry about your site being dropped! It takes the task of finding and adding content
to your site and automates the whole process. This system works,but here's a piece of
personal advice: - Don't go crazy and add 1000's of new pages to your site all at once.
That's a good way to tell the search engines you're using an automated system. Instead,
add the pages in small chunks like 25-50 each week so it looks like you're regularly
adding fresh content to your site. When you add real content for your visitors to read
(not a bunch of garbled keyword "search engine food").

Despite what you may have heard, this business is not yet saturated with too many
marketers, and there are plenty of opportunities to grab some of the millions of niche
keywords that will make people rich in the next few years. Think about many
of your friends and family members are internet marketers? I'd have to say none of mine.
When you're always on the internet it feels like everyone in the world is trying to make
money on the net, but really we're a smaller community than you may think. A handful
of you will be the next internet marketing superstars.

The ones who become wealthy at the end of the day will be those who take this game

seriously and relentlessly pursue targeted traffic. Well that's all for now, and I hope
you find this small piece of advice helpful.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Internet Marketing is Not DEAD!

Have you ever been told that Internet marketing is dead? Don't believe it!
Not even for a second. According to Netcraft, more than 100 million websites
exist now -- much, much more than the 100 odd ones in 1995.But the rules of
the game has undergone drastic changes since then. What used to be the golden
rules has taken 180 degree turns and works no more.

Here are 10 tips for you to concentrate on and remember in the new scenario.
Essentially they are basics, but when used as a whole unit in an integrated fashion,
you will not only survive but surely you will arrive!

Tip #1. Go for high margin -- not high volumes: Forget about selling low margin
products to a high volume of customers! Instead, concentrate on creating products
& services bundles that have actually high value and high margins.
Tip #2. Sell the value -- Not the cost: No one is bothered how much it has cost you to
develop your product. What the customer want is at least triple value for the money
they spend on your site.
Tip #3. Make your expertise a priority -- Not sales: People come on the Internet for
information. Give them that first. Launch into your sales pitch at the second stage. Satisfy
their initial curiosity to their satisfaction.
Tip #4. Market to friends -- Not strangers: Make your customers & subscribers into friends
first. Use social sites as a way of spreading your presence and for friendship. So before selling
something, your prospect should become your friend.
Tip #5. Lead generation first -- Then sales: Most think that once you set up your product on
your site, sales will roll in. In reality, it's just a pipe dream. Instead, use the website as a lead
generation source and then follow-up either directly or through online tool such as an
Tip #6. Build solid relationships -- Not Just sales transactions: This is a much over looked
factor on the Internet. Always respect your past customers and subscribers. They are NOT
some email IDs that are expendable once your use is over. Know that your customer holds
purse string. Go for long-term rewarding relationship and you will find your customers
returning back to you time and again.
Tip #7. They are people -- Not some PC's: Know that a computer is not buying anything on its
own from you! Its people with flesh and blood who buys from you. Drill it deep down your throat
that your website and email marketing must talk to the person behind that PC.
Tip #8. Feed filtered information -- Not The full stuff: There is an information overload. Your
customers and subscribers are looking for filtered and processed information from you! Give
it to them.
Tip #9. Narrow to a market niche -- Not all spread out: The competition on the web is cut throat!
To a large extent, your success as an internet marketer depends upon how successfully you have
focused on a clearly defined, tight and super specialized market niche.
Tip #10. Use off line methods too -- Not only online: Consider the Internet as another form of
marketing medium among many. Judicious combination of both off line and online can work
wonders to your business. Hope you found these tips useful.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

I Hope Everyone Had a Wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday!

Holidays are always a time to gather with loved ones
and appreciate the season and celebrate Happy Times.

We are one month away from CHRISTMAS and things are
starting to really pick up in the Home Based Business arena.
I plan on meeting more new people, creating more relationships
and expanding my horizons like never before to close out the year.

I feel that this year was a really blessed year for me and next year
will be even greater.It would be a good idea for all of us to close
out the year really strong on a very high note. This will allow us to carry
that momentum into next year. Let's focus and get it done.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

A Dynamite Article From a Mentor of Mine

Today I would like to share an Article form a mentor of mine. His name is
Willie Crawford. This Article is so insightful and powerful.

The title is - Don't Hate The Rich - Become One Of Them!
Copyright 2006 by Willie Crawford

When I was a child, growing up on the farm in North Carolina ( extremely poor),
my grandmother's favoritesaying seemed to be "Money doesn't grow on trees!"

She was also fond of unintentionally misquoting the Bible and saying "Money
is the root of all EVIL!"

As I listened to my elders, and the others around me,I learned that "It was
easier for a camel to pass thought the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to
get into heaven."

It was gradually hammered into my head that the richwere to be scorned,
and that they got that way bystepping on the poor. I also learned that we
were "very lucky" that we didn't have many things. For example, we didn't
have a telephone, television, a car, or air-conditioning during most of my
pre-adult life. My grandmother use to make us feel better by pointing out
that "Sleeping under a cold air conditioner would make you sick."

Many of us grew up exposed to similar thinking and similarteachings. We
were taught that there was something inherently wrong with being rich.

As I grew older, I was exposed to many very rich people.They taught me
that it wasn't wrong to be wealthy, andthey also helped me understand that
part of our psyche that makes us feel better by blaming others for our problems.

I learned that there was a time in history when many ofthe very rich did indeed
treat the lower classes very badly. This was a time when people were little more
than property, and in most countries the rich didn't see a reason to be polite to
the working class!

Being treated so poorly, the working class did often refer to the upper class by
such terms as "stinking rich" and other MUCH harsher terms.

Even today, there are places where the rich do treat thepoor as property, or as
just "labor." That's the reality,and that's life. Instead of complaining about it, if you
find yourself in that predicament, your job is to extract yourself from the extreme
poverty... first of all.Then you will have the ability to help the less fortunate.

As I spent more and more time around the rich, I learned and began to appreciate
some of their sayings. Two thatreally seemed to stick were:

1) "Rich people have large libraries, poor people havelarge televisions." I've seen
several variations of thatsaying, but they all pass along the same basic message...that
constantly learning new things is one of the keys to moving ahead. Vegetating in front
of the television only allows temporary escape as we live our "dream lives"by watching
those of others.

Television largely hypnotizes us, and puts us in a statewhere we can at least temporarily
imagine ourselves inthe shoes of the actors and actresses. That's the onlyway that we can
mentally get so wrapped up in some of the shows that we watch.

2) "The best thing that I can do for the poor is not be one of them." When I first heard that
saying I thought that it was cruel, until I saw the truth inthe fact that I cannot help out the
poor (financially) unless I'm not poor too. Getting involved in activities that seek to transfer
the wealth from the rich to thepoor doesn't work. Instead, to escape from poverty you need
to learn from the wealthy, and discover ways of creating more wealth.

A big part of the problem is that many of us grew upwith a poverty mentality. That mentality
teaches that"If you have more, then I must have less." After all,the pie is of a fixed size, so if
you get a bigger piece, then that leaves less for me.

The rich know that the pie is limitless. Instead of grabbing for a bigger piece of that pie, you
should help the pie to grow bigger. When the pie is bigger,there is naturally more for everyone.

The Internet proved to me that the pie is indeed limitless. Consider creating and selling digital
products which is what many of my mentors and I do.When I create and sell an audio course
that is digitally downloaded, I am selling part of anendless supply of electrons. After I create
an audio product, in downloadable MP3, I can sell amillion copies of that product, and there
is STILL enough for everyone in the world to have more. By creating that product, I literally
produce a pie of unlimited size.

Once you wrap your mind around that concept, a whole new world of possibilities opens up.
Being on the Internet also opens you up to a whole new world of possibilities. You'll see that
not only is the pie limitless, but it can also be shared across borders.We are no longer confined
to the effects of, and restrains imposed by, conditions in our own countries.

As an example, I personally have friends and mentorson several continents. I teach and speak
on several continents. Over the next five months, I am scheduledto speak at seminars in Malaysia,
Singapore, Australia,The United Kingdom, and all across the United States.I'm also exploring speaking possibilities in theCaribbean, Africa, and South America. For a farm kidthat spent most of his youth
on welfare (governmentsubsistence) this is very powerful proof that it's notthe rich that hold us back.

So, how does a poor farm kid move from extreme povertyto an international speaker who literally
has directaccess to international financiers, governmental leaders,and celebrities? I did it by letting
the rich teachme! I read and studied voraciously. I went through an endless stream of audio tapes,
and lately audio CDs, listening to them and studying what they taught overand over again until I
actually "wore out" many of the tapes!

In the Internet marketing arena, I studied what people who were living the lifestyle that I wanted
were doing.For example, I have a friend, and mentor, over in theU.K. who earns an incredible living
from the Internetworking just a few hours per week. I let him teach me how. He spends the rest of his
time managing anoffline business, serving as a politician, and doingother things that are important to
him. You can checkthis friend out at:

The secret is studying what the wealthy are doing,allowing them to teach you what they are doing,
and then doing the same thing. If it works for them, andyou do the same thing, then it should also
work for you. Right?

Your big challenge is identifying accurately what therich are actually doing. Often it looks like one
thing is the reason for their success, yet when you talk tothem, or manage to get close enough to
really studythem and their habits, you discover things that 99% ofthe world completely misses
about them.

I'm only going to share with you one of my mentors today. That's the one in the U.K. He works
VERY few hours at his online business, yet earns more than 99.9% of the "Internet marketers" that
I know. He reallyunderstands the wealth mentality. He teaches people like me how to get rid of the
"poverty mentality" and to develop that wealth mentality. Take a few minutes toget to know one of
my mentors now. He's at:

Another secret to success, and increasing your wealth,is closely managing who you allow to "rub
off" on you.Our thinking is heavily influenced by those that we arearound every day. If you are
around negative people,their constantly spewing negative energy HAS to affect you.

If you are constantly exposed to those who have radicallychanged their lives, they prove to you
that you can do ittoo. That's a big reason why I attend seminars, conferences, and networking
events sponsored by the people that I want to be like... those who have the lifestyle that I desire.
I encourage you to do the same. When you can't actually be surrounded by them, at a minimum
completely IMMERSE yourself in recorded materials that they so generously make available to
you. There you have the key to gradually becoming one of the rich, instead of mearely envying

Willie Crawford has taught thousands how to build successful online businesses since late-1996.
His membership site contains over 30 interviews of leading online marketers sharing their views
on "How To Break Into The InternetMarketing Inner Circle." You can access those interviews

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Why a Leads Membership Company instead of just buying
leads everywhere constantly from many randomly selling
LEAD companies ?

This is a great question. The answer is two things...

If you do choose to get leads why not get them Exclusively
FRESH & NON-SHARED. Also, get paid handsomely for being
a member with a Leads Membership Company that has a great
reputation LIKE THIS ONE by Fred Stege.

I would rather have exclusive Fresh Leads of 125 people per
month than 1,000 leads per day that have been resold 7 times
who are ready to hang up the phone in my face once I call them.

Because it's the QUALITY over the QUANTITY.
The income is AWESOME also with THIS COMPANY. Read the
information on the site carefully because there is a huge difference
between a LEADS MEMBERSHIP company and a LEADS selling company.

CHOOSE a LEADS MEMBERSHIP COMPANY and get paid handsomely for
being a member like many are doing who see the light now.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Dreams mixed with Awesome Integrity

A very critical attribute for realizing our dreams is integrity.
In a conversation about dreams, integrity is essential and can
be summarized this way: Say what you mean and mean what
you always say. Honor your word and agreements and you will
be living with integrity, where dreams really do come true.
Simple, yes, but not always easy. Vastly overscheduled, often
the person its most difficult to keep our commitments with, is
yourself. As you practice upholding your values, you are given
opportunities to show up or to sell out.

Whenever you are challenged, do you lose sight of what matters to you?
Do you have an internal pulse, a set of conscious principles that you
live your life by? If you are committed to a life of joy and abundance,
filled with love, generosity and contribution, integrity is a must.
Integrity creates trust and accountability. Surrounded by crowds,
you can feel lonely if youre not true to yourself.

If you do not have integrity, you can have great wealth and still feel
worthless. And lacking integrity, you wont trust yourself or have faith
in your dreams. When we leave things unresolved or incomplete, we
are out of integrity. You can recognize something as incomplete by
how you feel about it. Is the matter settled? Do you worry about it?
How is it impacting other areas of your life? When you are complete
with something you don't even think about it. There is no agitation or
energy wasted. Its up to you to decide if something is incomplete or not,
but its difficult to focus on future dreams when you are consumed by
your past. Incompletions can be notorious and contagious as one leads
to another.

Buried under burdensome annoyances we can feel lost, afraid or confused.
Take Jake for instance. He didn't pay his taxes for two years. The IRS put
a lien on his assets, so he was labelled a bad credit risk. He couldn't buy a
house or rent an apartment. Eventually he lost his credit cards. He was
caught in a downward spiral that also undermined his confidence and self
esteem. Linda let her parking tickets pile high and never got around to
paying them. She became afraid to drive her car because she might get
to wed. Concerned about driving to work, she eventually lost her job. A
small detail led to a bigger concern, which led to an even worse problem.

Carol had a room in her home that she called the "black hole," filled with
incomplete items. Since she and her husband were trying to sell their house,
she knew it was time to tackle that project. She came up with a list of over
one hundred "items to do." They included returning things she had borrowed,
writing letters, even mailing back an inexpensive bracelet she had stolen from
her local drug store when she was a teenager. It took some time and effort, but
with each item she handled, Carol felt lighter and freer. Within a few weeks of
completing her list, they easily sold their house. Completion creates freedom.

The First Steps - This powerful process of exploring whats been left unsaid, undone
or incomplete in your life is one of the most awesome things you can do to free
yourself and have more access to your dreams. If undertaken to the best of
your ability, this may be the most profound thing you have ever done. Look
at all these important areas and use this formula as a guide to scrutinize your
life. The areas to explore (but are not limited to) include your body, mind,
home, work, finance, and people (living and dead).

1. Write down what you feel incomplete about with anyone or anything.
2. List what you need to do to complete it.
3. Complete as many items as possible.

How do you complete something? You may need to write a letter or make
a phone call. You may need to forgive someone or just declare "it's over."
On some items, you might need to create a project plan or you might not
even know yet. Just do your best to get rid of anything that is weighing
you down. Removing clutter will give you greater clarity and energy for
the things that are important to you. As you complete what you can,
feelings of pride, accomplishment, and peace of mind, can motivate you
to take on even the tough things. Free to move forward, now you can tap
into the flow of life. The more your life is in order, the faster and easier
your ability to manifest dreams will become. It's just that simple.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Developing Business Affiliates

Lots of businesses in the recent times have affiliates that
they carry out their business with. These companies come
together in order to meet a certain purpose whether it's a
part of a better marketing plan or it is for the cause of a
charitable organization. The affiliates have to have one
binding factor due to which they come together.

Therefore,It is all the more beneficial to have a network
of business affiliates right at the beginning of the business.
The network makes a lot of business sense as this presents
the possibilities of interaction with the future clients. However,
zero in on the clients with whom you think you can have a
mutually beneficial relationship. And you don't need to worry
on the account of any business type as in any and every business
you can find affiliates.

In order to find a reputable business, organization, or charity
to serve as your business affiliate, look to your local chamber
of commerce. This organization is an excellent way to locate
potential affiliates and build a superstructure of clients. Additionally,
joining your local chamber of commerce will provide you with a
support system if you are starting your own business. Having this
great resource is excellent for any individuals entering into the
wonderful world of entrepreneurship.

Ask your friends, family members, coworkers, or neighbors for
potentially affiliate information. You will find having affiliates to
share in your business endeavors will promote your business and
provide you with more clients. Find abusiness in relation to yours
in order to develop an affiliate association.

Take the sign making business, for instance. If that's what you are
doing, you should choose to affiliate with someone in the marketing
and advertising field. This way both the parties can profit from a
mutually beneficial alliance. You should look out for businesses that
will help you boost your business by expanding your client list.

A lot businesses opt to develop affiliates with charitable organizations.
This is an excellent way to give back to your community and help others
through giving. Many of these charitable affiliate associations also provide
you with advertising and marketing opportunities. For example, if you are
beginning a construction business, consider beginning an affiliate relationship
with a charity like Habitat for Humanity.

Furthermore, use business affiliates to draw resources from your partners.
If you find yourself at a need for a specific product or service your affiliate
provides, seek their help. In many instances, businesses form affiliate
relationships with companies or corporations for their goods and services.
For example, if you are constantly using a local printing shop for their offered
services, consider beginning an affiliate relationship with that business. In
exchange for discounted rates on their services, you will be providing them
with clients and vice versa.

Always remembert that it is not enough to begin your affiliate relationship
with businesses or companies in your area; you need to do all that it takes
to make the relationship work. And the best way to do it is by allowing other
businesses to be privy to your goods, services, and clients. Business affiliates
go a long way in nurturing your business in the growing stages.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

"The Corporate World's Bottom Line remains the same"

Over the years as we observe and watch the shift taking
place in Corporate America with downsizing it is nothing
new to realize that their bottom line remains the same.
The primary thing that Corporate is concerned about is
still and always will be profits.

They do not care if it takes eliminating the jobs of a faithful
employee that has been working and serving the company
for 15, 20 or 25 years.They simply want to make profits and
more profits.How much do they really care about employees
then ?

Well most corporations have taken away the pensions that
employees used to get. The employee is on his own now to
fend for himself completely.That's why a lot of people are
starting to open up their eyes and see the light at the end
of the tunnel and realize that Network Marketing can be
an attractive vehicle after all.

Why not get in that vehicle and drive it ? It's a wonderful ride
when you get with a system and product that knows how to
make it run well.

Friday, November 10, 2006

You Gotta Avoid The Forty Times Three !

I am very sure that the majority of us have heard this
before especially if we are veterans in MLM/ Network
Marketing.The question is though, Is there any merit to
this bold suggestion? Corporate Americans would more
than likely ask us Networkers "What in the heck do you
mean by suggesting to us to avoid the Forty Times Three?"

They want to know what is its meaning so that they could then
evaluate if it is something they should indeed avoid. As we
Networkers already know the "Forty Times Three" is the Anti-Wealth
Plan. It is the common mistake a lot of Corporate past employees
discovered of working for 40 hours a week for 40 years and
then retiring onjust 40% of there pay. Is there any merit to this
they want to know, It sure is!

There are constant analys is done all year round on this true fact that
this is what has happened and is constantly happening to past Corporate
workers.Why would someone not take action to insure that this will not
come down their financial street when they see this catastrophic truth
looking them right in the face based upon real statistics?

I have no idea...

I am Twanzell Williams and I want to help.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006


I am currently looking to personally mentor students to
excellence in the Home Based Business Industry. I have
ten spots available for serious people that are coachable
and understand how to follow directions for the Success
ride of a lifetime in this abundant industry. If you are
ready to succeed in this industry and not look back, grab
your spot today right now by clicking here.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Are You A Spectator or Participator ?

Whatever you do always remember that time waits
on no one. I learned this valuable lesson from a mentor
years ago. It is not wise to not take action and watch
as others make wonderful accomplishments but rather
take action and do something to achieve your personal
goals too.

You do not want to have any regrets and have the woulda-
coulda- shoulda blues one day like many others who have said
that they had marvelous ideas and concepts that they wish they
would have taken action on, but for some reason or another
they just never got around to doing it.

I don't know about you but I never want to become familiar
with that song ever. I want to write my own tunes and music
in life. Don't you? Take action steps towards whatever you
are dreaming of in this awesome world of opportunity. What
could happen to you? I'll tell you what could possibly
happen to you - SUCCESS!

Have an awesome day. I am here to help.

Friday, November 03, 2006

The 12 Exhibiting Do's and Dont's

1. Do: Research a show carefully before you decide to
exhibit. Does this show attract a large number of people
from your target audience? Tradeshow participation takes
a lot of time, energy and resources. You don't want to spend
them on folks who are unlikely ever to do business with you.

2. Don't:Be afraid to ask questions. Show organizers have all
kinds of information that new exhibitors would benefit from
knowing. Ask about attendee demographics, exhibitor's
requirements, and what assistance you can expect from
the show's staff.

3. Do:Start planning early. Regular tradeshow exhibitors
routinely start planning their appearances twelve to eighteen
months in advance.

4. Don't: Pass up the chance to visit other industry events
before you exhibit for the first time. Make note of what
exhibitors worked for you and what turned you off. What
did you find to be effective? Can you incorporate those
items into your own exhibit?

5. Do: Make a list of goals and objectives for the show.
This list should be very specific. Do you want to generate
$X in new sales, start a certain number of new business
relationships, or spread the word about a new service
offering you're introducing to the market?

6. Don't: Get sidetracked by what everyone else is doing -
or by what people tell you you 'have' to do at a tradeshow.
You're at the show to reinforce your expert identity and
achieve your goals and objectives. Anything else is off-target.

7. Do:Be open to creative and new ways of presenting your
services. Tradeshow attendees see hundreds of exhibits in
the course of one day. You need to be unique and engaging
for your display to be memorable.

8. Don't: Be afraid to be enthusiastic about your services.
If you're genuinely jazzed up about what you do, attendees
will sense that. Enthusiasm is contagious -- and more importantly,
it sells!

9. Do:Learn the 80/20 rule and take it to heart. The best exhibitors
are those who listen 80% of the time and talk 20%. Focusing on
attendees' wants and needs is a surefire route to success.

10. Don't:"Throw Up" on attendees. This very common practice occurs
when nervous exhibitors can't stop talking, and keep up a constant
barrage of facts, figures, and sales spiel. Attendees are quickly turned
off by this, and your chance to form a profitable new business relationship
walks away.

11. Do:Remember you're on display. What you're selling at a tradeshow is,
primarily, first impressions. Be professional, well-dressed, and mannerly
at all times. You never know who's watching.

12. Don't:Eat, drink, or chat on your cell phone on the show floor. When
you need refreshment or even a break, leave your exhibit booth. Remember,
that the eyes of the public are on you at all times, so you'll want to conduct
yourself evry well.

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